To produce a regression analysis of inference that can be justified
or trustworthy in the sense that helpful. The term in the statistical
methods that generate a linear the best estimator is not bias (best
linear unbiased estimator) abbreviated BLUE. Then there are some other
things that are also important to note, in which the data to be
processed, must meet certain requirements. In terms of statistical
methods some terms or conditions of the so-called classical assumption
test. Because they meet the assumptions of classical statistical
coefficient will be obtained which actually became estimator of
parameters that can be justified or accurate, among others:
Must meet the assumptions of single colinearity,
meaning between independent variables with each independent variable
others in the regression model no multicollinearity, is a condition
where there is a linear relationship was perfect or near perfect between
the independent variables.
Must meet homoscedasticity assumptions, it means a
state where the variance the existing data on every variable must be
the same (constant). In the event of deviation from this phase, mean
regression model are heteroscedasticity.
Must meet homogeneity assumptions, it means a state where the sample data should be derived or obtained from a population with a range or variance of the same.
Does not contain autocorrelation or serial correlation,
the correlation between data samples are arranged in order of time, for
example in the form of time series data. This means that there is no
influence between the variables included in the model through the grace
period (time lag). Where, deviations occur when it is known that the
value of the current variable will affect the value of other variables
in the future.
The independent variables in the model must have a constant value in each experiment carried out repeatedly, meaning that in the independent variable does not contain a correlation with an error rate in each of the observations made.
Error to be normally distributed, ie where
confounding variables has a distribution or a normal distribution, it is
for the validity, stationeritas, the reliability of the data in the
available variables.
Must meet the assumptions of linearity, which is
to see whether the specification is a linear regression model is correct
or not, so if convinced that the linear regression model is the best
model, it is necessary to test the linearity of advance.
All terms or phases of the classical assumptions that must be met,
in order to build a regression model that could be accounted for. Thus,
the need to test that assumption is intended to meet some of the
elements of the accuracy of the parameter estimator is not biased to
reflect the efficient level of analysis results are consistent so that
the regression equation can be trusted.
But what is the problem ?
That in the classical statistical assumptions are considered to
have fulfilled just because what counted was to find a causal
relationship between the independent variables affect the dependent
variable. Whereas in the economy, the assumption is certainly not
applicable, because the economic variables must have each other's
behavior that allows one to violate these assumptions.
It can be concluded that the assumptions are considered correct in
the statistics need to re-examine, in the sense of doing the
reprocessing data that exist, such as the increase or decrease of data,
combining data, change data in a particular form (differential and
integral) and other. It can be called as well as the manipulation of
data with the intention of transforming the regression model for the
later expected to meet the classical assumptions. For example, to meet
the assumption of single linearity (collinearity) if a regression model
has a double colinearity (multicollinearity) it is necessary to find a
way to correct these deviations settlement. More on how to tackle the
problem of double colinearity, there is some way to addressing the
problem of the multicollinearity, among others:
Checking theoretically whether between independent variables there is a connection. This relates to how to find supporters of the theory through the study of literature in selecting independent variables.
Doing merger between places or cascading series data space
(cross-section) and time series that can be referred to as the polling
Remove one of the variables of the model.
Transform the existing variables in the model.
Adding new data, namely by increasing the number of observations
More on ways to tackle the problem of the fulfillment of these
classical assumptions. It is known that in fact these problems arise
because of the certain things. For example on the assumption that a
regression model may not contain autocorrelation, where the occurrence
of autocorrelation in fact caused by several things. The cause of
autocorrelation, among others:
Inaction, this occurs especially in the nature of
time series data. That is not change the economic situation is usually
not immediately occurring. For example, when the BI rate experienced a
rate of change of the other banks need to make adjustments for at least
three months running.
Specifications bias, in which a regression model
with certain reasons do not include one or a couple of variables, but
these variables are relevant may cause autocorrelation. Such models are
specified bias. So that an unknown variable although autocorrelation
result, must remain inserted into the model, so as not to bias
One determines the shape function, autocorrelation
arise due to errors in determining the function, which cause nuisance
autocorrelation in error. For example, should the model expressed in the
function is not linear, but is expressed in linieir function.
The influence of the pause time (time lag), it is
actually related to the first cause that inaction. That is, if known,
turns the dependent variable is not only influenced by the independent
variable, but is also influenced by the dependent variable in the
previous period can lead autocorrelation. For example, the amount of
exports is not only influenced by inflation in the period, but also by
exports in the previous period.
If concluded in fact still found some problems, related in terms of
examining the economy and the use of methods of analysis. Broadly
speaking the proficiency level in these issues, among others:
Risk of uncertainty economy is believed to still
be perceived by the public, such as entrepreneurs, investors and other
business people. In addition, the risks of economic uncertainty is also
believed by the government, can be a barrier in achieving economic
goals. Wherein, the government should solve the economic problems with
decrees and regulations of unilateral or democratically by the
legislative process.
Information is data on the economic factors
available from the real world it is still not used optimally in the case
to support the achievement of economic goals. For methods that exist
today have not been able to make optimum use of information. For
example, it is known theoretically for multiple regression analysis is
considered no longer effective, if in models include more than seven
independent variables.
Theoretically, that the relations in economic
theory that ignores the effect of random variables or can be interpreted
only deterministic. That in economic theory beyond the influence of the
variables included in the analysis were considered constant. So the
analysis targets a general nature only.
Regression analysis as a method suggested by
economists and econometricians, it is still not maximized. This is due
to the existence of certain conditions (the classic assumption) that
must be met. Meanwhile, according to experts, these requirements may not
be met, but also can not be ignored.
With adjustments being an attempt to fulfill
certain requirements (classical assumption) in the regression analysis
as a form of simplification in the application of modern economics,
which is a form of empirical science. It turned out to be ignoring
important and fundamental. Namely, with the change in the price or value
of the real, the observation result of these adjustments. So the
ability to maintain the condition of all-an empirical regression
analysis so dubious.
Based on a description of the problem, it's the next point, which is about questions that arise:
- Is there a tool or a method of analysis that is able to eliminate or at least minimize the risk of uncertainty in the economy ?
- Is there a tool or a method of analysis that is able to optimize
the use of information in the form of data from these economic factors,
of course to support the achievement of economic goals ?
- Is there a tool or a new analytical method that is able to address the shortcomings of existing methods of analysis ?
The analyst should be a problem-solvers not be troublemakers.